4 Chord Worship Songbook Digital Bundle 1 & 2


BUNDLE AND SAVE! The Bundle Pack includes both Volume 1 & 2 of Matt McCoy's 4 Chord Worship Digital Songbooks. Learn how to play 60+ easy beginner guitar praise and worship songs using only the G, C, Em, D chords. Each song includes a tutorial link to a instructional video.

Volume 1 songs:

Instant digital download emailed upon purchasing. Song list includes:

  1. 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)

  2. Alive in Us

  3. Amazing Grace

  4. Battle Belongs

  5. Because He Lives

  6. Blessed Be The Name

  7. Chain Breaker

  8. Cornerstone

  9. Draw Me Close

  10. Friend of God

  11. Give Me Faith

  12. Goodness of God

  13. Graves Into Gardens

  14. Great Are You Lord

  15. He Knows My Name

  16. Hosanna

  17. How Great Is Our God

  18. I’ll Fly Away

  19. Jesus Son of God

  20. Just As I Am

  21. Lamb of God

  22. Lead Me To the Cross

  23. Let the Redeemed

  24. Lift My Life Up

  25. Lord I Lift Your Name On High

  26. Lord I Need You

  27. Mighty To Save

  28. No Longer Slaves

  29. Old Rugged Cross

  30. Open the Eyes of My Heart

  31. Our God is Greater

  32. Reckless Love

  33. Take My Life (Holiness)

  34. This I Believe (The Creed)

  35. Trading My Sorrows

  36. Tremble

  37. Victory In Jesus

  38. Way Maker

  39. Who You Say I Am

  40. Yes I Will

  41. Your Great Name

VOLUME 2 Songs:

Instant digital download emailed upon purchasing. Song list includes:

  1. Build A Boat

  2. The Father’s House

  3. Fires

  4. God So Loved

  5. Gratitude

  6. Heart of the Father

  7. Here I am to Worship

  8. House of the Lord

  9. Less Like Me

  10. Living Hope

  11. My Jesus

  12. Never Let Go

  13. Promises

  14. Rest on Us

  15. Scars

  16. So Much to Thank Him For

  17. That’s Enough

  18. We Fall Down

  19. What a Beautiful Name

  20. What a Day That Shall Be

  21. Yes and Amen